Butterfly Lives

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What’s up? Holy cow I’ve been MIA for a minute. My apologies. Life has taken over and…. well, that’s really my only excuse. School started back for the girls and they are dominating the world one grade at a time. Hubby works from sun up til sun down and enjoys any free time he gets.

Life has been pretty unpredictable for me and very eventful. God has brought some amazing people into my life ….and some have left to start a new life in a new state (insert tear). I was reminded a couple of weeks ago while attending a charity event that five years ago (in early October) I was given a second chance at life. I had a car accident while in a complete blackout. The car accident that could’ve easily taken my life left me unscathed. The friend I was with the night of the charity event (a couple of weeks ago) was the owner of that house and the yard that I drove across (literally) in a complete blackout. She had invited me to this event that was very dear to both of us. We were running late and was rushing to get to the top where all the action was happening. While in the elevator trying to make it up to the tip top of this building (before they closed off the area to eat) a thought crossed my mind…. this was a five year mark and I happen to be with Kel. My stomach felt like it was eating itself at this point but I looked over at Kel and said “Oh my goodness, Kel, two days ago was my five year anniversary of my wreck.” She put her hand on my back as we quickly walked out of the elevator in an attempt to get to the food as she said “I can’t believe it, I’m proud of you, Chas!”

You see….this lady will forever hold a special place in my heart. That night was the most humiliating time of my life. A very difficult time as parents for my husband and myself. And while some people were bashing a young mother who failed a field sobriety test - Kel was praying for me. While some wouldn’t ever think about reaching out to see how they could help, Kel left me flowers on my doorstep with a card that read “I’m so grateful you are okay, I am praying for you and your family.” While some were judging me after the chaos - without knowing the story leading up to my breaking point, Kel was inviting me over for book studies, coffee and catching up on life. Now I’m not saying what happened that night was justifiable. I took credit for my shortcomings and I paid the price…. but Kel set a level of non-judgment and forgiveness so high that it inspires me to act, think and react in ways she did when I needed the grace, support and love. We are all quick to judge. Take a minute to think about it before you do.

I’m grateful today for second chances. I’m grateful for the love and support that I surround myself with daily. The sweet text messages, phone calls and coffee dates when I just need a listening ear. I’m a believer in “to have great quality friendships, you have to be a great quality friend.”

Love like Kel!

I love you sweet friend!
