Butterfly Lives

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Cabin Fever

Hellooooo, February!

This month is passing slowly (insert crying) ….. and the month of January was boring AF for our household. These freezing cold, rainy, dewy, icy days are brutal. No one wants to get out to play slip and slide on ice…. so we stay inside trying to keep the peace during “cabin fever” season. Our nights call for lots of soup (because I burn toast-happy to admit that shit!) and family movies. We have seen every Netflix, HBO and new release kid movies out there. At this point, I’m happy to say I could go a year or so without seeing another kid movie -and be completely okay with that.

Family time is peaceful until we start getting on each other’s nerves and begin acting like a bunch of crazy, hearing impaired, psychotic people. Many “snow days” are spent screaming at each other-ready to throw a Jackie Chan at the sight of another toy being misplaced or “stolen” by sister(s). When this type of behavior occurs our only option is to separate and act like we are ghosts until the cabin fever goes away. (I’m looking into hiring a full time nanny for future months of January so I can pack my bags and get the hell out of here.) I’ll let you know how that goes

Speaking of trips….I had an amazing trip scheduled for the end of January; a mission trip where I would get the opportunity to help people in desperate need of medical and dental care. While being on this trip I would get the privilege to love on little babies and kids who are starving for affection and attention, run around and play soccer in the dirt with those sweet lovers, comfort them during dental procedures, hug them like their world depended on it and pray over them for God’s sweet mercy and grace. Well, God sent a sign (his way, not mine) and it postponed our trip. I like to call this “God's Divine intervention.” January was not the time to go. Presidential elections had just taken place in Honduras and riots were breaking out everywhere. Hotels were being burned and many people injured and/or dead. It was not a safe zone for us. My heart was broken with this news. We have planned this trip for many months and have had so many gracious friends sending in donations. We were mentally prepared to be of service during the course of seven very long days. I was sad, but that sweet reminder of my loving Christ chimed in and said “if it comes, let it. If it goes, let it.” I must admit I was and still am nervous about the trip which has now been rescheduled for September but I have many months to prepare again. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers as well as the people of Honduras.

@Doterra Oils @healtysexylife Makeup Artist: Chasity

My professional life this month has been filled with an immense amount of gratitude. I worked on two different projects (in one day) with two of my very dear friends. One was for DoTerra oils (amazing group of women) and Miss Mississippi 2015 (she’s flawless and a complete delight to work with). The final looks were better than I could’ve imagined. And the photo shoots were a blast! I was also given the opportunity of a lifetime. It was for a very well-known artist, Mrs. Brenda Lee, for a spread in Rolling Stone magazine. The shoot was postponed earlier that week due to snow... so they called me the night before the big photo shoot and I was so incredibly excited I could hardly sleep. Everyone was a delight to work with that day and it ran very smooth. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude! Thank you Heavenly Father for those gifts! I can’t wait to see the final project.


Photo Credit: @eafoto  Model: Courtney Byrd  Makeup Artist: Chasity

Photo Credit: @eafoto  Model: Courtney Byrd  Makeup Artist: Chasity

Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically I’m working on daily. There are days I feel strong in some areas, and weak in others. Trying to balance everything is difficult….especially while parenting, wifeing, adulting, maintaining my sobriety, and being of service. I decided to step away from social media for a few weeks to work on my blog, projects around my home, and organizing more areas of my life (that shit really never stays that way but I get an E for effort). Lately, I’ve noticed how much time I waste on social media. I love social media, don’t get me wrong, but it’s interfering with things I need to get done. So I’m stepping back for just a bit.

I’ll be back soon!

God is good and I am grateful ❤️


