Butterfly Lives

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Galentine's Day

We just recently learned about this new holiday, Galentine's Day. If you haven't heard of it, the day officially takes place on February 13 and is the day that we ladies celebrate/love on our lady friends. There are so many different kinds of love; love for your parents, children, spouse, siblings, friends., etc. While all are unique and special in their own ways, there is something EXTRA special about the love and bond we girls have with our BFF. They are the ones that we can be our true, authentic, crazy mess with. The ones that sometimes hold the deepest secrets of our hearts, the ones that we laugh and cry with, the ones that we can throw it all out there with (with no judgement). 

In 20+ years of friendship, Chas and I have shared many of memories, adventures, laughs, tears, bad decisions, and hugs. The bond that we found in each other at 13 years old has withstood being thousands of miles apart for most of our friendship; taking place through phone calls, letters (for those of you under the age of 30, we actually communicated via paper and pen!), and frequent trips back and forth. 

So on this Galentine's Day, Chas and I are sharing what we love about each other.

Chasity & I in high school - One of her many trips to Cali!


Hoes before bros, uteruses before duderuses and ovaries before brovaries are just some of the few "slangs" we have said to each other in the past. 

Kristin and I not only share a special bond with our friendship, but we also share the same anniversary day with our significant others. February fourteenth is a day for romantic love with our favorite guys, but also a love for our beautiful friendship.... "Galentines Day" 

Kristin is my confidante, therapist, calmness when I am a storm, my rational thinker and the most empathetic friend one could ask for. I have seen many of her struggles throughout life. Many of you know that Kristin lost both of her parents at a very young age. That in itself is incredibly heartbreaking, but looking back, I see how her strength grew from those really tough moments as an adolescent. Kristin grew from an young parentless pre-teen into a mother and then became a single parent. I have been beside her through some of her darkest moments and watched her march from the flames of hell into a strong ass independent warrior. She is a one man band who rarely breaks, and if she does, she gets right back up and carries on. Kris is incredibly intelligent and strives for perfection with everything she puts her mind to. 

Today, I celebrate you, Kristin. Thank you for the many years of friendship, laughter and love you have given to me. I am forever grateful that over 20 years ago, our paths crossed and we have been a light in each other’s life. You are an amazing woman and you inspire me to be a better person every day. I love you like my own family and I cherish every moment (good or bad) that we have shared in our time of friendship. Cheers to many more KC adventures and a lifetime of love and happiness. 

Happy GAL-entine's day, buttercup!

<3 Chasity


If I didn't know any better, I would have sworn that Galentine's Day was something only Chasity could come up with. An off the wall idea/thought, aimed to make someone laugh or brighten their day. That is her skill and one of the qualities I love most about her. We have experienced our fair share of ups and downs in life, even in our friendship - but at the heart of it all is a deep love, respect, and admiration for each other that was created for eternity.

Throughout our friendship, two themes have remained constant in my love and admiration for Chas; 1. No judgement! and 2. Always laughing!

Judgement - Chasity is a safe spot for me, a soft place to land, where I know that no matter what I tell her, she will never judge my actions, my decisions, my situation, my thoughts, or me. I can go to her with anything and know that she will walk through it with me! She will carry my cross when life gets me down, rather than telling me all of the reasons why my cross is too heavy, or that I need a new one. Chasity has had to spend a lot of her life hiding from her story, or trying to cover up a lot of the hardship in her life, and I wholeheartedly know that her journey has given her the ability to accept other's and their stories, without passing judgement. I admire her for her strength in overcoming, all of the work that she has done these last few years to really release a lot from her life, and for her unconditional love for people. 

Laughing - I know that above anything else, when Chasity is around it's bound to be a crazy, funny, good time. I admire her ability for whitty comebacks, sharp one-liners, and her ability to be silly, goofy, and enjoy life in the moment. Most of the memories I can recall laughing until I cry, tend to involve her. I watch her with her girls and see how she cares more about laughing and smiling with them, rather than if the laundry or dishes are done. She embraces life's moments, doesn't take anything too seriously, and honestly finds the humor in anything (even if its inappropriate or disgusting - like her recent booger post, LOL. I was seriously gagging when I was putting it up on the blog and just kept thinking to myself "only Chas could get away with this."). You just have to love her for it, and I do. 

Chicago Trip 

Chas, there isn't a better holiday to celebrate you and show you how much I love you. You have been so much more than a friend over these past 20+ years and you continue to amaze me in your determination for life. You don't take no for an answer and you refuse to color in the lines - and because of that, we are on this new crazy venture together. You see the world as boundless opportunity and won't let anyone/anything stand in the way - and yet, you happen to love, cherish, and make everyone smile along the way. I am soo incredibly proud of all that you have fought through the last few years (and continue to fight through). Your journey and story are not yet complete - and I can't wait to share in another chapter of our lives together. Love you to pieces!

<3 Kris

Chas and I have been blessed in our lives, to be surrounded by many friends that we get to call best friends, and even more special to be able to share a bond with our sister's whom are also our BFF's. Happy Galentine's Day to all of the special girlfriends in our lives - and in yours! 


Kris & Chas